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**Join the Vancouver AI Community and Power Our Ecosystem:** You're not buying tickets—you're investing in community infrastructure.


Why Join The Core?

The neural network that connects Vancouver's creators, hackers, and thinkers needs nodes like you to thrive.

This isn't about exclusive access. It's about creating a sanctuary where ideas can breathe before they hit the noisy mainstream. Where your weird AI experiment might connect with someone else's weird AI theory and birth something previously impossible.

The digital landscape is changing faster than any of us can track alone. The CORE is how we navigate it together—sharing signals through the noise, amplifying the meaningful, filtering the bullshit.

Join if you believe building this ecosystem matters. Join if you want to be part of something bigger than algorithms and hype cycles. Join if you're tired of surface-level tech conversations and ready for something deeper.

The future isn't built by spectators.

Your membership supports:

What You Get:

Ready to make it official? Secure Your Vancouver AI CORE Membership →

CORE Group Chat


Ready to make it official? Secure Your Vancouver AI Core Membership →

Checkout securely via Stripe. Fast, easy, safe.

Ideas & Member Feedback

This is just the beginning. As our community grows, we want to add more value for members while staying true to our grassroots, independent ethos. Here are some ideas we're exploring:

🚀 Future Perks in the Pipeline

💬 We Want Your Input!

Got ideas? Feedback? A perk you’d love to see? Drop it in the CORE chat or email [your contact email].

Let’s build this together.