"AI Sandbox with Kris Krüg" is a recurring segment on CBC's programming that explores how artificial intelligence and emerging technologies impact everyday life in Metro Vancouver. The show combines technological insight with practical applications, making complex AI concepts accessible to general audiences.
Show Format
Each month, the segment unpacks current trends in AI and technology, with a focus on:
- Local Vancouver AI initiatives and innovations
- Creative applications of AI technology
- Societal implications of emerging technologies
- Practical insights for viewers/listeners
Key Topics
The show covers several core areas:
- Vancouver's AI innovation landscape, including projects at UBC's Emerging Media Lab and the iViz Lab for Creative AI
- Young creative tech movements including Atelier, Novus, and Minimal Viable Demos
- Intersection of AI with creative arts and cognitive computing
- Local and Canadian talent in technology and creative industries
Production Details
The segment aims to:
- Provide insightful, thought-provoking content that engages listeners
- Highlight emerging trends in AI technology
- Showcase local innovation and talent
- Foster understanding of AI's impact on society